If your child was entering kindergarten about the time you last executed a Will and has been shaving for several years, it’s probably time to review your estate plan. The preparation of a Will doesn’t cost much and can save your estate big bucks in the long run.... In a separation or divorce, the basic rule is: Your Child Comes First. Here are a few coping strategies: Both parents should explain to the child that each parent’s love for the child is absolute and that the child will have a continuing relationship with... It is essential that you discuss the terms of your lawyer’s compensation during the first consultation. Engaging an attorney without initially establishing the financial relationship may lead to misunderstanding, particularly where a family law problem is involved.... The collection of maintenance and child support may be more dfficult than actually obtaining the relief. An income execution may be issued by the attorney for the creditor-spouse against a person who has defaulted in payment of maintenance or support. An employer (or... The objective of divorce mediation is to enable parties to resolve issues without resort to litigation. Mediation is a cooperative approach to resolve specific issues such as custody, access, spousal and child support and the division of property. In mediation, the...